Fractional Partner Leadership Takes Center Stage

 Most earlier stage companies do not think "Ecosystem First" because founders and early-stage leaders do not have a channel or partnership experience base. Early-stage leaders typically come from engineering, finance, marketing, or direct sales backgrounds. Thus the concept of alternative revenue streams, ecosystems and how to build and support them are foreign ideas.   

Where can a company get this expertise? Partner teams are an expensive investment, right?!? Maybe but it doesn't have to be. Fractional leadership in other disciplines (CMO, CFO, Sales) is a proven way to cost-effectively bring experienced leadership to the table for early-stage companies without breaking the bank. If you are an early-stage company and you are looking to bring experience on your team, then a fractional leader might be just the ticket.  If you are a later stage company and you are investing in partnerships (or trying to fix a failed attempt), then a walk before you run approach is a great way to get your foundation and strategy built before hiring a team and making full-scale investments.

The time is right for the SaaS technology industry to embrace Fractional Partner Leadership. We are pioneering the way at scale.  We hope you engage in the topic.   Connect with us to follow along as we do.


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