Open Dialogue- CROs, How Can I Help You Think Alternative Revenue?

 In my head, I'm starting to sound like a broken record. I realize that it's not true. Like every other human being on the planet, when you are deeply engrossed in something, it fills your thoughts continuously. To me, things like using Alternative Revenue Streams to grow your business seems obvious, but I have to remember that not everyone has heard the message or thinks of it the way I do.  

I had a conversation with several CROs this week, and one of the things that came up in conversation was the notion of utilizing channels to create exponential growth and to help grow their business. For these CROs (thanks for letting me use you in this post), it was an A-ha moment. "Yes, of course, use other channels to market, why didn't I think of that?!?" Up to now, these individuals have only focused on direct sales as a path to customers, and our recent mention of Alternative Revenue Streams caught their attention enough to get on a phone call.  

So it dawned on me. As much as I think about this topic every day, most CROs are not. They have so much on their plate that is pressing, so many pressures to fill their day that when it comes to getting to the subject of exploring different ways to sell, they just never get that far down their to-do list. It's a shame really because when I look at their situation, I see that they could be generating a lot more revenue, and likely at a lower cost of acquisition than their direct sales and marketing efforts.

I'm empathetic. I am running a business, and I get pulled in a lot of directions myself. My to-do list never quite gets completed, and many things are left undone by the end of the week. I know some of these things are important. I know I can be doing certain things that could help accelerate my business further, but I don't do them.  

So keeping my empathetic hat on, I wrestled with this topic last night. I was awake half the night. How could I be a better advocate? How could I be a better mentor to CROs, so they remember to think about this topic on a regular basis? Of course, they could hire my firm, PartnerReady, to build & execute strategies, but there has to be something, even more, I could do.   

I have a few ideas, but I would love to hear thoughts on the topic from our community. I intend this to be an open dialogue. I'm thrilled with the interaction that we have been getting from many different stakeholders and people out in the market, people sending us notes about our blog posts, my nascent attempt at becoming the latest Youtube star (blushing), and interacting with us each week. It's thrilling, really, and we thank you! So I'm maintaining this to be an open dialogue, one where we can figure this out together how can we help you to think about alternative revenue streams as a top of mind subject. Send us your thoughts. CROs especially.


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